Fatigue and Damage Tolerance
Airframe Fatigue and Damage Tolerance (F&DT) is used to define critical structural component lives, and produce an inspection and maintenance schedule to eliminate structural failure.
ROM collaborates with MR. Abraham Brot, a worldwide known expert in the field to provide fatigue analysis capabilities, including definition of fatigue spectrum, fatigue and damage tolerance analysis, inspection and maintenance instructions (inspection methods, threshold and intervals).
ROM uses its inhouse analysis capabilities to provide the baseline data for the fatigue analysis.

At the bi-annual conference of the "International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue and Structural Integrity" (ICAF) that took place during June 2017 in Nagoya, Japan, Abraham Brot, a retired engineer of Israel Aerospace Industries, received a medal of honor from the Secretary General of ICAF, Professor Anders Blom from Sweden.
At the conference, Abraham Brot delivered the principal lecture which was entitled, "Three Faces of Aeronautical Fatigue.
Abraham Brot started working as an engineer in the Engineering Division of IAI in 1970, and later served many years as the Head of the Fatigue Department. In this framework, he took part in the development of a great variety of flight vehicles, including the Astra, Galaxy, G150, G280, Kfir and Lavi Aircraft. In addition, he participated in many projects that dealt with research and development.