Company profile
ROM Aerostructures Engineering is a privately owned business founded by Mr. Ynon Surkis.
ROM Aerostructures Engineering provides engineering services to the aerospace and defense industry.
ROM Aerostructures Engineering specializes in the design and analysis of aerospace structures and airborne units. Providing hi-end professional support to development projects from preliminary to final deign, production and test campaigns.

Mr. Ynon Surkis,
BS.c Mechanical Engineering - Specializing in structures analysis.
18 years experience in design and analysis of aerospace structures.
L1 Signatory for composite structures at AIRBUS UK.
Head of analysis and certification department, BIRD Aerosystems.
Stress team leader, AIRBUS UK – Wing in service repair.
Head of stress and project manager, CADRON Aviation Technologies.
Example of Aerospace Projects, Ynon Surkis
Design, Analysis, Production, Testing and STC certification of AEROSHILED pod installation on Boeing B737 – BIRD Aerosystems
Development of Composite Stress Guidelines for In-Service Repair - AIRBUS UK.
Reperability and generic repair of SHARKLET wing tip for AIRBUS Single Aisle family – AIRBUS UK
Design and analysis of HERMES900 Elbit System UAV - CADRON
Design and analysis of HERMES90 Elbit System UAV – CADRON
Design and analysis of IAI G250 Fuselage Fuel Tank - CADRON
Numerous installation projects in military and civil air crafts preformed for IAI, RAFAEL, ELBIT, ELISRA and more.